Sunday, March 17, 2013

Long if-else statement without if (in Python)

Let's suppose we find ourselves in a situation where we have no other option than to write a lengthy if-else statement (definitely not something that would make cleaner by polimorphism).

def inevitable_long_if (n):
    if n == 0:
    elif n == 1:
    elif n == 2:

Can we re-write it so that we do not use IFs?

import collections
import functools

d = collections.defaultdict(lambda : functools.partial(print, 'Manu-manu'))
d[0] = functools.partial(print, 'Zero')
d[1] = functools.partial(print, 'One')
d[2] = functools.partial(print, 'Two')

Now, let's call some to see how it works:

d[0]()  ==>  Zero
d[1]()  ==>  One
d[2]()  ==>  Two
d[7]()  ==> Manu-manu

The first version is 9 lines long, the second one (without imports) is 4 lines long. To me, the second version is also much more readable, but you decide.

See also